Litecent was a complete success at the Hong Kong Lighting Exhibition in Autumn 2024.
In 2024, Hong Kong Autumn Lighting Exhibition arrived as scheduled, which attracted many famous brands from all over the world and became the focus of the lighting industry.Litecent brought MAYA serie
2024-10-29 Frank Lin 2
Company relocation 2021
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition 2021
2021-12-18 Frank Lin 20
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition 2021
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition 2021
2021-09-07 Frank Lin 14
Xiaomi Unveils Two 82-inch Mini LED backlight TVs Featuring 8K and 4K Resolution
Talking about the research and development of LED lights from the perspective of users,Talking about the research and development of LED lights from the perspective of users
2021-09-07 12
Osram Selects Veeco MOCVD System.
Talking about the research and development of LED lights from the perspective of users,Talking about the research and development of LED lights from the perspective of users
2021-09-07 13